Page 435 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                               Leverage Technology

                           Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
                                             Objective 2: Implement New Technology
                         Project                     Performance Measure(s)                 Department(s)
             LT    Traffic Management       • Implementation:  Installing Devices at  Public Works
             1.2.3  Technology Improvements    Locations and Bringing them Online. Use
                                               Crowdsourced Data and GIS database for
                                               Travel Time Data Collection and Evaluation
                                            • Management:  Using Device Data to
                                               Improve Traffic Flow
                                                                    Corridor Travel Time Goals
             Implementing smart traffic management technology                                       Travel Time
             will assist the City in developing a more efficient   NB Cooper St. (Turner-Warnell Rd. to I-30)   21:58
             transportation system that enhances regional mobility   23:21 (+/- 2 min 20 sec)
             and increases the quality of life for residents and   SB Cooper St. (I-30 to Turner-Warnell Rd.)   22:40
             visitors.                                       22:07 (+/- 2 min 13 sec)
                                                             NB Collins St. (Mansfield Webb Rd. to Mosier   25:46
             Some of the benefits resulting from implementing new   Valley Rd.) 28:31 (+/- 2 min 51 sec)
             technology include:                             SB Collins St. (Mosier Valley Rd. to Mansfield   27:59
                 •  Reduced traffic congestion               Webb Rd.) 26:16 (+/- 2 min 38 sec)
                 •  Prioritized traffic based on real-time   EB Division St. (West City Limit to East City   17:41
                    conditions                               Limit) 15:57 (+/- 1 min 36 sec)
                 •  Quicker response to traffic incidents    WB Division St. (East City Limit to West City   15:46
                 •  Reduced pollution                        Limit) 15:46 (+/- 1 min 35 sec)
                                                             EB Pioneer Pkwy. (West City Limit to East City   17:46
             During FY 2025, work to implement new traffic   Limit) 17:12 (+/- 1 min 43 sec)
             management technology will focus on the following   WB Pioneer Pkwy (East City Limit to West   17:28
             projects:                                       City Limit) 16:16 (+/- 1 min 38 sec)
                 •  Installation of additional connected vehicle
                    devices on major corridors
                 •  Installation of additional CCTV cameras for
                    traffic monitoring
                 •  Increasing the number of intersections
                    evaluated by the Automated Traffic Signal
                    Performance Measures (ATSPMs) monitoring
                 •  Use of Waze crowdsourced data and GIS
                    database to analyze travel time data and
                    detect congestion.

             The Department is coordinating with North Central
             Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for
             implementing long term strategies for connected
             vehicles and travel efficiency.

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