Page 439 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                               Leverage Technology

                           Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
                                             Objective 2: Implement New Technology
                          Project                  Performance Measure(s)                 Department(s)
             LT    Implementation of City-wide   Project completion            Finance
             1.2.7  Contract Routing Software
                                                                                         Estimated    Actual
             The Office of Procurement will work with both City                         Completion  Completion
             Secretary’s Office and City Attorney’s Office to implement   Execute Contract   03/26/2024  05/01/2024
             an electronic contract routing software for the City. The   Council Approval for   06/11/2024  06/25/2024
             overall intent of this software is to streamline the routing   Electronic Signature
             process by providing advanced tracking, contract drafting   Implementation   12/01/2024   Ongoing
             and electronic signatures. This new software will replace   Finance and CAO Soft Go   12/01/2024
             the current outdated “golden rod” process and allow City   Live
             staff to execute contracts in a more efficient way.    City-Wide Go Live   02/01/2025

             Finance, City Attorney’s Office and City Secretary’s Office
             have drafted an e-signature policy for council approval.
             Finance will meet with CMO on May 13  to discuss
             changes to policy and provide implementation timeline for

             Council approved the e-signature policy on June 25 2024,
             allowing City staff to move forward with the
             implementation of e-signature and contract routing
             software. Finance, CAO and CSO are currently training and
             implementing software with vendor. IT is working on
             finalizing the contract with DocuSign for the e-signature

             Implementation of software is nearing completion. Team is
             finalizing workflows in the system and will begin to test the
             system with Finance and CAO run contracts.

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