Page 159 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 159


                                COmmUnITY SERvICES

                                                departMent gOaLs
                                                d ep ar  t M ent   gO  a L s

          City-wide goal: Provide high-value municipal services, balancing conservative financial management goals with
          strong customer experience considerations.
          Department goal: Maintain cost recovery for The Marq operations at 71% annually
          Implementation Strategy:
               •  Focus on member acquisition and retention through implementation of the membership acquisition and
                   retention plan, which includes multiple membership campaigns
               •  Strong sales strategy for Legends Hall bookings and events
               •  Manage facility expenses through the implementation of a facility asset replacement plan

          City-wide goal: Improve accountability structures for stronger efficacy by streamlining systems and reinforcing
          strategic alignment throughout all levels of the organization, through implementation tools such as departmental
          business/work plans, business unity scorecards, comprehensive planning, and other accountability mechanisms.
          Department goal: Implement Comprehensive Plan recommendations from the Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation &
          Open Space Master Plan, and the Public Arts Master Plan.
          Implementation Strategy:
               •  Finalize design and complete construction and opening of the Southlake Pickleball Complex at Bicentennial
               •  Complete enhancements to the Aria Amphitheater audio/visual capacity at Legends Hall
               •  Install new art at Liberty Gardens and plan for new art at the Municipal Service Center

          City-wide goal: Develop a highly qualified, motivated, well-trained, and innovative work force to serve the needs
          of an evolving community by solidifying a learning culture and implementing recommendations from the City of
          Southlake’s Organizational Learning and Development Strategic Operations Plan.
          Department goal: Through the Safety and Training Matrix Team, develop the Onboarding Subcommittee to create a
          comprehensive departmental onboarding strategy
          Implementation Strategy:
               •  Develop Onboarding Subcommittee
               •  Analyze current onboarding processes across Community Services Divisions
               •  Provide Recommendations for process improvement
               •  Implement onboarding recommendations

                                                               e Measures
                                            perfOrManCe Measures
                                                                                           fy 2022
                                                                  fy 2020
                                                                              fy 2021
                         perfOrManCe Measure                      aCtuaLs     aCtuaLs    prOjeCtiOn    fy 2023
           Marq Cost Recovery
                                                                  61.00%       65.84%      71.00%      72.00%
           The Marq Net Promoter Score
                                                                    58           82          75           60
           Community Services Net Promoter Score
                                                                    64           81          73           60

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