Page 215 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 215

                                     HUMAn rESOUrCES

                                           Department Goals

                                                SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

           Provide a strategically   Enhance the   Provide engaging       Promote,         Partner with the health
           aligned, best-in-class   volunteer         employee          encourage, and   insurance carrier to enhance
            volunteer program   experience by       communication      monitor employee   employee wellness initiatives
              that provides a   optimizing the use    through an       safety through the   to promote a healthy
           meaningful, engaging   of technology.   internal employee   Employee Safety    workplace and to reduce
              and rewarding                         communication        Committee.       employee medical claims.
           volunteer experience                       program.
            for volunteers who
              serve the City.

                                                MANAGE THE BUSINESS

                Improve the efficiency              Increase the efficiency of            Increase the efficiency
               of payroll administration           personnel file maintenance            of new hire onboarding
               by optimizing the use of             using automated workflow               using technology to
                    technology.                           processes.                      automate the process.

                                          PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

                           Provide an attractive,                                Provide a sustainable,
                         competitive, and financially                             cost-effective, and
                         sustainable compensation                                  competitive total
                          and classification system.
                                                                                 benefits package for

                                           PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

                 Implement              Protect and sustain a    Provide a positive employee   Foster employee
               elements of the         values-driven culture.   experience through all stages   engagement efforts to
               Organizational                                     of the employee lifecycle:   have a fully engaged
                Learning and                                      recruitment, onboarding,
                Development                                     development, retention, and   workforce that exerts
                 Strategic                                                                   discretionary effort to
               Operations Plan.                                          exit.              move the organization
                                                                                              towards its defined
                                                                                              mission and goals.

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