Page 165 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 165
Department Core Services
Our mission is to support the legislative process, encourage and facilitate civic involvement, promote confidence through
governmental transparency, and provide enthusiastic service to the public.
Partnerships & Management &
Service Delivery
C5 Promote opportunities for C6 Enhance the sense of community by providing
partnerships & volunteer excellent customer service & engagement B2 Collaborate with select partners B5 Enhance service delivery through
to implement service solutions
continual process improvement
involvements opportunities
CBO1 – Maintain a strong financial position B6 Optimize use of F1 Adhere to financial L3 Attract, develop & retain L6 Foster positive employee
and implement plans and policies to ensure technology management principles & budget a skilled workforce engagement
future financial strength.
CSOC1 Promote opportunities CSOC2 Provide excellent service by CSOC3 Provide administrative support to elected
for volunteerism through the assisting the public in navigating
board appointment process (C5) governmental processes (C6) officials & internal customers (C6)
CSOCB01 – Deliver a customer experience that
is aligned with the Southlake Way and CSOB1 Partner with organizations CSOB2 Promote electronic recordkeeping CSOB3 Collaborate with IT to
surpasses expectations. to establish & maintain initiatives that enhance document anticipate & respond to future
relationships (B2) preservation (B5) technological opportunities (B6)
CSOCB02 – Explore opportunities to enhance
the Records Management Program.
CSOCBO3 – Provide services with an efficient
management of resources. CSOF1 Provide high value services through efficient
management of resources (F1)
CSOCBO4 – Explore educational opportunities
to enhance employee performance &
CSOL1 Provide educational opportunities to retain a skilled CSOL2 Build a positive, productive and engaged workforce
workforce (L3) that supports the City’s mission & strategic goals (L6)
City Critical Business Outcomes Department Critical Business Outcomes
CBO1 – Maintain a strong financial position and implement CSOCBO1 – Utilize existing supported record keeping software to enhance the
plans and policies to ensure future financial strength business practices of departments. (CBO1)
CSOCBO2– Develop and enhance partnerships that provide the best value and
service to the community (CBO1)
CSOCB03 - Provide services with an efficient management of resources.
CSOCB04 - Explore educational opportunities to enhance employee
performance & engagement.
164 FY 2022 City of Southlake | BUDGET BOOK