Page 160 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 160

                                                               CITY MAnAGEr'S OFFICE

                                        Department Core Services

                   The Southlake Office of Marketing and Communications is committed to delivering brand-centric, engaging and quality
                   information based on a real understanding of what our customers want and with genuine enthusiasm for what we do.

 CRITICAL                    Safety &   Infrastructure  Mobility    Quality   Partnerships &   Performance
                                                                                          Management &
 BUSINESS OUTCOMES          Security                              Development  Volunteerism  Service Delivery
 CBO1 – Maintain a   CBO4 – Optimize the
 strong financial   City’s commercial tax
 position and   base by attracting high
 implement plans and  quality new businesses   C1  Achieve the   C2 Provide travel   C3 Provide attractive   C4 Attract & keep top-  C5 Promote   C6 Enhance the sense of
 policies to ensure   to reduce the tax   highest standards   convenience   & unique spaces for   tier businesses to drive a   opportunities for   community by providing excellent
 future financial   burden on residential   of safety &   within City &   enjoyment of   dynamic & sustainable   partnerships &   customer service and citizen
 strength.  taxpayers.  security  region     personal interests  economic environment  volunteer involvement  engagement opportunities
 CBO2 – Enhance   CBO5 – Improve
 mobility through   quality of life through
 aggressive traffic   progressive   B1 Achieve best-  B2 Collaborate with   B3 Enhance resident   B4 Provide high   B5 Enhance service   B6 Optimize use
                                                                     quality services
                                 select partners to
 management   implementation of   in-class status in   implement service   quality of life & business   through sustainable   delivery through continual   of technology
 initiatives and capital  Southlake’s   all City disciplines  solutions  vitality through tourism  business practices  process improvement
 project   Comprehensive Plan
 implementation.  recommendations.
 CBO3 – Engage in   CBO6 – Invest to   F1 Adhere to financial management   F2 Invest to provide & maintain high quality   F3 Achieve fiscal wellness   F4 Establish & maintain effective
 thoughtful planning   maintain strong public   principles & budget  public assets  standards      internal controls
 to ensure continued   safety to ensure a low
 high quality  crime rate and
 development that is   effective emergency
 integrated well into   response.  L1  Ensure our people
 the current built   understand the   L2 Enhance leadership   L3 Attract, develop &   L4 Recognize & reward   L5 Empower informed   L6 Foster positive
                                  capabilities to deliver
 environment.     strategy & how they   results      retain a skilled   high performers  decision-making at all   employee
                   contribute to it                   workforce                     levels in the organization  engagement

                                                  City Critical Business Outcomes

                                            CBO2 – Enhance mobility through aggressive traffic management
                                            initiatives and capital project implementation.
                                            CBO4 – Optimize the City’s commercial tax base by attracting high
                                            quality new businesses to reduce the tax burden on residential

                                                                           BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  159
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