Page 162 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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                                                                CITY MAnAGEr'S OFFICE

                                         Office of Marketing and

                                            Communication Goals

                                                   SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

               Provide responsive services        Improve City websites for branding,   Create original and compelling copy
                to internal and external        improved content and quality, navigation   for corporate messaging on multiple
                     customers                      ease, and customer satisfaction      communication channels and for
                                                                                              various audiences

                                                   MANAGE THE BUSINESS

                 Strengthen     Strengthen and    Ensure strategic   Develop and      Oversee and    Identify and create
                and improve     protect the City   communication   implement strategic   coordinate the City’s   opportunities
               consistency of                     that promotes                      public relations   to obtain media
              brand messaging   brand through the                  goals, objectives,
               across various   development of   brand messages     policies, and    program and   coverage for the City’s
               communication    citywide branded                  priorities relating   initiatives by planning,   projects, services,
                 channels         messaging                       to public relations   developing, and   and community
                                                                     programs      implementing public   commitment to
                                                                                   relations strategies  favorably position the

                                             PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

                                                     Provide high value services through
                                                     efficient management of resources

                                               PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

                            Advance and foster a culture of                       Ensure that employees
                             strong employee engagement                           have the tools, training,
                                                                                   knowledge base and
                                                                                experience to perform their

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