Page 158 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 158

                                                               CITY MAnAGEr'S OFFICE

                                            City Manager’s Office

                                The City Manager’s Office pledges to provide our residents exceptional
                               municipal services by promoting a progressive, efficient, responsive, and
                                                 community-focused organization.

                                 The Office of Communication, a division of the City Manager’s Office
                                   is responsible for managing the City’s corporate brands, culture,
                                            communication, and transparency strategies.

                                                   DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS

                          172,000                             1.2M                             AAA

                   The Office of Marketing          The City’s website has had       The City Manager’s
                   and Communication gets           more than 1.2 million views      Office has led the City in
                   social with 22 social media      through Q3 of FY 2021.           maintaining AAA ratings
                   sites with about 172,000                                          from both Fitch Ratings and
                   fans and followers across                                         Standard & Poor’s for the
                   all social media platforms,                 93%                   past 14 years, resulting in
                                                                                     considerable cost savings
                   including Facebook, Twitter,                                      through refinancing.
                   YouTube, and Instagram.          The City’s debt as a
                                                    percentage of assessed
                                                    value has decreased more
                                                    than 93% since 2002.
                              12                                                                3%

                  The Office of Marketing and                 3.7%                   The City Manager’s Office
                  Communication has twelve                                           includes 13.25 FTEs that
                  core services.                    The City Manager’s Office        provide services including
                                                    2022 General Fund Budget         city administration,
                                                    is $1,595,471 which is a         customer service,
                                                    7.3% increase over the FY        project management,
                             13                     2021 adopted budget.             communication, marketing,
                                                                                     and public relations. The
                  The City Manager’s Office         The City Manager’s Office        staff comprises 3% of the
                  has thirteen core services.       budget is 2.5% of the total      City’s workforce.
                                                    General Fund expenditures.

                                                                           BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  157
   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163