Page 161 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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                                     CITY MAnAGEr'S OFFICE

                                   City Manager’s Office Goals

                                                SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

            Explore future     Demonstrate a    Oversee activities   Ensure that City strategy and   Enhance and   Emphasize
            technologies to   commitment to      to enhance the   implementation plans are   broaden citizen   a culture of
           enhance mobility   intergovernmental   experiences of   developed and executed to   engagement  transparency
             and reduce      cooperation relative   visitors to support a   meet the ongoing needs of   and lead related
             congestion      to legislative policy,   vibrant and profitable   residents, businesses and   initiatives
                            infrastructure planning   economy           visitors                     to promote
                           and collaborative service                                                 trust in local
                                 delivery                                                            government

                                                MANAGE THE BUSINESS

           Incorporate and    Assess the corporate   Provide leadership in   Ensure IT        Facilitate City Council
          implement future    environment ensuring   building community    solutions are     effectiveness by helping
         ready practices into   that corporate        consensus and         efficient and    them to develop policy
           the strategy and     expectations are   collaboration on key      customer       that can be implemented
           operation of the   communicated in an    policy issues, both       centric       effectively and that serves
               City           effective and results   ongoing and those                    the best interests of the City
                                oriented manner      that relate to the                     of Southlake, as reflected
                                                   Southlake 2030/2035                        within the strategic
                                                   Comprehensive Plan                         management system

                                          PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

            Assess    Implement program based   Ensure      Ensure the right   Develop and nurture   Manage internal
           long-term   budgeting to ensure an   sustainable,   environment for a strong   partnerships to   control and
            financial   understanding of the true   high quality   and sustainable economy   improve services and   risk programs
           conditions     costs of service  service delivery  in the City using data  reduce costs  designed to
                                                                                                strengthen program
                                                                                                   and financial

                                           PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

           Develop a culture   Provide leadership   Implement an effective and fair   Develop non-  Advance and
          reflective of the City’s   and training   pay-for-performance program that   compensatory   foster a culture of
          values and operations   to supervisors   is aligned with City of Southlake   incentives  strong employee
              approach          and young              strategic goals                             engagement
                              professionals as
                             part of succession
                             planning strategy.

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