Page 159 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 159

                                                   CITY MAnAGEr'S OFFICE

                                    Department Core Services

          The City Manager’s Office pledges to provide our residents exceptional municipal services by promoting a progressive, efficient,
                                         responsive, and community-focused organization.

                                         Mobility    Quality        Performance    Partnerships &
 CBO1 – Maintain a strong financial position and

 implement plans and policies to ensure future   C2 Provide travel   C4 Attract & keep top-tier businesses   C5 Promote opportunities for   C6 Enhance the sense of community by   B1 Achieve best-in-
 financial strength.   convenience within City &   to drive a dynamic & sustainable   partnerships & volunteer   providing excellent customer service and   class status in all

                 region           economic environment    involvement       citizen engagement opportunities   City disciplines
 CBO2 - Enhance mobility through aggressive traffic
 management initiatives and capital project
 implementation.   B4 Provide high quality services   F1 Adhere to financial   F3 Achieve fiscal   L1 Ensure our people   L4 Recognize &   L6 Foster positive
              through sustainable business   management principles &      understand the strategy & how   reward high
 CBO4 – Optimize the City’s commercial tax base by   practices   budget   wellness standards   they contribute to it   performers   employee engagement
 attracting high quality new businesses to reduce the
 tax burden on residential taxpayers.
 CBO5 – Improve quality of life through progressive
 implementation of Southlake’s Comprehensive Plan   CMOC1 Enhance mobility and   CMOC2 Strengthen the City’s   CMOC3 Promote citizen involvement   CMOC4 Deliver an exceptional customer
 recommendations.                                                                   experience for residents, visitors, tourists and
             transportation options (C2)    business climate and economy (C4)   and governmental transparency (C5)   businesses (C6)

                                    CMOB2 Deliver added value through a leadership model designed to   CMOB3 Facilitate good governance through strong
 CMOCBO1 – Ensure a sustainable financial position   CMOB1 Advance the principles of a   improve corporate leadership and departmental management of   decision-making that provides high quality services

 by implementing  sound policies that support the   high performance organization (B1)   business activities (B4)   (B4)
 community’s needs. (CBO1)
 CMOCBO2 – Expand mobility options through
 facilitative leadership. (CBO2)
 CMOCBO3 – Advance a diversified, vibrant and   CMOF1 Provide high value services through efficient      CMOF2 Ensure a strong and sustainable financial
 sustainable economy through the continued   management of resources (F1)   condition for the City (F3)
 attraction and support of desired businesses (CB04)

 CMOCBO4 – Implement the Southlake 2030/2035
 Comprehensive Plan to address quality of life and
 improve long-term financial and economic   CMOL1 Translate strategy into operational terms to   CMOL2 Align personal incentives   CMOL3 Build a positive, productive, and engaged workforce

 conditions. (CBO5)   promote employee commitment (L1)   with strategic goals (L4)   that supports the City’s mission and strategic goals (L6)

                City Critical Business Outcomes                  Department Critical Business Outcomes

           CBO1 – Maintain a strong financial position and implement   CMOCBO1 – Ensure a sustainable financial position by implementing  sound
           plans and policies to ensure future financial strength.  policies that support the community’s needs. (CBO1)
           CBO2 - Enhance mobility through aggressive traffic   CMOCBO2 – Expand mobility options through  facilitative leadership. (CBO2)
           management initiatives and capital project implementation.
                                                            CMOCBO3 – Advance a diversified, vibrant and sustainable economy through
           CBO4 – Optimize the City’s commercial tax base by attracting   the continued attraction and support of desired businesses (CB04)
           high quality new businesses to reduce the tax burden on
           residential taxpayers.                           CMOCBO4 – Implement the Southlake 2030/2035 Comprehensive Plan
                                                            to address quality of life and  improve long-term financial and economic
           CBO5 – Improve quality of life through progressive   conditions. (CBO5)
           implementation of Southlake’s Comprehensive Plan

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