Page 522 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                                     Public Safety

                             Goal 2: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure
                              Objective 2: Complete Watershed Studies for Each Watershed within the City
                         Project                   Performance Measure(s)          City Service Team (Department)
             Core   Watershed Studies       Achieve FEMA acceptance of all     Economic Development and Capital
             PS                             watershed studies by the end of FY   Investment (PWT)
             2.2.1                          2021
                                                                      Milestone       Estimated     Actual
             Comprehensive watershed studies are important to                        Completion   Completion
             evaluate current and future flood risk and identify problem   Task 1    Nov. 2020    May 2021
             areas that will guide the stormwater program. These   Task 2            Mar. 2021
             watershed studies:                                    Task 3            Dec. 2021    Sept. 2021
                    Update the hydrology for current developed
                    Update the hydraulic models based on the new
                    flows and current creek conditions
                    Identify and prioritize problem areas and
                    generate conceptual solutions for these areas
                    Assess the stream bank conditions for erosion
                    Update the Flood Insurance Rate Maps based on
                    the new information

             This data benefits the citizens of Arlington by informing
             them of the flood risk for their homes, so they can take
             protective action. It also identifies flood protection projects
             to be incorporated into the Stormwater Capital
             Improvement Plan. Arlington's nine major watersheds have
             been grouped into six major study areas. The Stormwater
             Division plans to include watershed studies in its budget
             each year until all the major watersheds in the City have
             been studied.                                     Update:
                                                               Task 2:  This task is delayed until the Engineering
             This project will strategically plan mitigation tasks to   Technician and Stormwater Asset Analyst vacancies are
             proactively rectify deficiencies identified in the watershed   filled.
             studies completed in FY 2019. During FY 2021, work will be
             concentrated on the following three tasks:        Task 3: Floodplain Administration staff mailed out the
                    Task 1:  Create geodatabase based on flood   FEMA PMR post card notifications to residents in the Rush
                    hazard depths and HAZUS data in the 5‐year   Creek Watershed in September 2021. This post card
                    buyout plan.                               provided instructions to the appeal process and
                    Task 2:  Develop an erosion field inspection   information on flood insurance.
                    directive to effectively create an OCI to prioritize
                    projects and to determine potential failures.    A link to the City’s interactive map for the FEMA PMR data
                    Task 3:  Provide community outreach for all FEMA   is accessible to residents for review.
                    approved LOMR data to be included in FEMA’s
                    PMRs.                                      City Stormwater staff is in the process of assisting citizens
                                                               on questions about upcoming changes to the Rush Creek
                                                               watershed.  The tentative end date for the 90‐day period
                                                               notification is October 30, 2021.

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