Page 526 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Public Safety
Goal 2: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure
Objective 3: Enhance Awareness of Stormwater Risk
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
Core Stream Gauge Implement a flood hazard notification Economic Development and
PS Infrastructure Upgrade and system based on stream gauge data Capital Investment (PWT)
2.3.3 Communication
Milestone Estimated Actual
The City of Arlington currently has six stream gauges. These Completion Completion
gauges collect important information such has rainfall Task 1 Mar. 2021
accumulation, rainfall increments, and water levels. The Task 2 Sept. 2021
stream gauge uses the ALERT (Automated Local Evaluation Task 3 Sept. 2021
in Real Time) 1 system which needs an upgrade as
hardware improves. This real time data will assist in
response time for activating barricade infrastructure,
emergency operations, and engineering assessments.
During FY 2021, the Floodplain Group will perform the
following three tasks:
Task 1: Update flood monitoring system with
existing data to notify residents and motorists of
flood hazards during inclement weather.
Task 2: Upgrade two existing stream gauges to
Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time 2 (ALERT
2) system to increase the accuracy and
performance of flood detection systems.
Task 3: Identify low crossings based on watershed
studies and Emergency Operations to determine
two new locations to install stream gauges.
This data collected by the stream gauges benefits the
citizens of Arlington by informing them about active flood
risks in order to take appropriate action. The
implementation of a flood hazard notification system will
reduce the potential loss of life or injury due to flood
hazards from overtopped roadways. The collected data
also assists in identifying flood protection projects to be
incorporated into the Stormwater Capital Improvement
The recently filled Project Engineer position is in the Task 3: Staff is in the process of selecting at least three
process of implementing all tasks. The updated estimated locations based on the watershed data and barricade
completion date for Task 1 is November 2021. closing locations to install new ALERT 2 stream gauges.
This work is focusing on Southeast Arlington due to the
Costs for Task 2 are being reviewed to upgrade existing lack of existing stream gauge infrastructure.
gauge locations to ALERT 2.