Page 521 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Public Safety
Goal 2: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure
Objective 1: Plan and Implement Stormwater Projects
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
Core Stormwater Projects Implement projects that mitigate Economic Development and Capital
PS flooding concerns Investment (PWT)
Stormwater Capital Improvements Structures
Stormwater Projects are funded through the Stormwater Project Protected
Utility Fee and are included in the annual capital budget. Harvest Hills (All Phases) 47
Indian Trail Erosion 1
The projects listed below include projects that began Kee Branch Trib 4 (All Phases) N/A
construction prior to FY 2021 as well as the planned FY Matthews Court (All Phases) 74
2021 projects. Project milestones listed in the table will be Washington Drive Erosion Project 5
updated as they occur during the year. These projects
include larger drainage and erosion projects. Maintenance
projects and small drainage improvement projects are not
included in this report because they are typically bid in
multiple phases.
Update: Construction of Matthews Court Phases 1 and 2, which
Indian Trail Erosion is to protect a critical roadway began in June 2020, is ongoing and estimated to be
connection between the City of Arlington and completed in February 2022. Phase 3 is in design and has
Dalworthington Gardens. been expanded to include additional water and sewer
improvements. Phase 3 is anticipated to bid in FY 2022.
Construction of Phase 1 of the Kee Branch Trib 4 project is
substantially complete. Phase 2 was bid during the quarter The Harvest Hills project is being designed and constructed
and construction is anticipated to begin in FY 2022. in two phases. Phase 1, which is currently in the easement
acquisition phase, includes improvements to the channel
Current large flood mitigation projects include the to accommodate future neighborhood drainage
Matthews Court and Harvest Hills locations. Both projects improvements. Phase 2 includes storm drain and sanitary
have been split into multiple phases due to funding sewer improvements within the neighborhood. Revised
constraints. The actual bid dates for the subsequent floodplain models that include both phases are currently
phases will be dependent on construction progress of being reviewed.
previous phases.
Stormwater Capital Improvement Project Estimated Actual Bid Estimate Actual
Bid Dates Dates Completion Completion
Washington Drive Erosion Project Sept. 2018 Nov. 2019 Mar. 2021 May 2021
Matthews Court Drainage Improvements Phase 1 and 2 June 2019 Dec. 2019 Mar. 2021
Lower Johnson Creek Dredging Dec. 2019 Dec. 2019 Oct. 2020 Dec. 2020
Indian Trail Erosion Mar. 2020 May 2020 Oct. 2021
Kee Branch Trib 4 Erosion – Deaver Park Sept. 2020 Aug. 2020 Apr. 2021 Apr. 2021
Kee Branch Trib 4 Erosion – Bradley Lane to Andalusia Dec. 2020 Aug. 2021 Jan. 2023
Harvest Hills Drainage Improvements Phase 1 Aug. 2019