Page 525 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                                     Public Safety

                             Goal 2: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure
                                         Objective 3: Enhance Awareness of Stormwater Risk
                       Project                   Performance Measure(s)            City Service Team (Department)
             Core   Program for Public   Develop and implement new projects listed   Economic Development and Capital
             PS     Information (PPI)   in the PPI Plan adopted by Council and   Investment (PWT)
             2.3.2                      approved FEMA’s Community Rating System
                                        (CRS) in FY 2020
                                                                     Outreach Task     Estimated     Actual
             City Council adopted the City’s Floodplain Program for                    Completion   Completion
             Public Information (PPI) Plan in FY 2020. This PPI plan   Task 1         Apr. 2021    June 2021
             improves flood hazard outreach and education initiatives for   Task 2    Sept. 2021   Sept. 2021
             the City’s CRS Program. CRS is a federal program that   Task 3           Aug. 2021    Nov. 2020
             recognizes, encourages, and rewards – by using insurance
             premium adjustments – community and state activities that
             go beyond the minimum requirements of the National Flood
             Insurance Program (NFIP).

             The development and implementation of outreach
             initiatives listed in the PPI plan will assist in improving flood
             insurance coverage in the City and strengthen and support
             the aspects of the NFIP.  Developing and implementing PPI
             outreach projects include but are not limited to:
                   Task 1:  Update and implement the Flood Response
                    Preparation outreach as identified in the PPI Plan
                    adopted by City Council for CRS.
                   Task 2:  Prepare a post card for non‐flood zone
                    (SHFA) delineated area to be endorsed by the
                   Task 3:  Update Repetitive Loss Area Analysis
                    (RLAA) Letter and Citizens Guide to Flood Safety
                    annual mailout.

             Task 2:  The non‐flood zone SFHA postcard has been
             updated with the current Mayor’s signature and
             endorsement. The updated postcard was mailed to
             residents and property owners on September 7, 2021.

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