Page 520 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Public Safety
Goal 1: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry
Best Practices and Policies to Foster a Safe Environment
Objective 2: Protect Public Well‐being
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
Core CARES Act Funding – Point of Project completion by the federal Neighborhood Services (Fire) and
PS Distribution for Public Health deadline for CARES Act Coronavirus Shared Services (AM)
1.2.3 Supplies Relief Funds (CRF)
To increase our response capabilities and prepare for Milestone Target Date Actual Date
future potential pandemics, the Arlington Fire Initial Project Design Spring 2020 Sept. 2020
Department is working to establish a Point of
Location Identification Spring 2020 Aug. 2020
Distribution (POD). A POD site is a location to the Design Spring 2020 Sept. 2020
provides medications, vaccinations, and other Permit Review Process Summer 2020 Sept. 2020
medical supplies to combat major public health Legal Review Process Summer 2020 Oct. 2020
threats such as pandemics and bioterrorism. The Council Approval Summer 2020 Oct. 2020
main purpose is to quickly distribute vaccines,
medications, and medical supplies to a large Move in (approximate Spring 2021 Mar. 2021
population of people in the shortest timespan
possible to prevent the spread of illness during a
public health emergency.
The POD will be located near a portion of Arlington
that is easily accessible, close to major medical
facilities, and central to the Arlington Fire
Department’s response plans. The Department is
evaluating where the exact location will be, but the
POD will likely be located near the Parks Mall. Initial
funding for the POD will be provided through the
CARES act to assist the City of Arlington in dealing
with the COVID‐19 outbreak.
This project was completed in the in the 4 quarter
of FY 2021.