Page 515 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                                     Public Safety

                                       Goal 1: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry
                                  Best Practices and Policies to Foster a Safe Environment
                                           Objective 1: Improve Quality of Life and Place
                          Project                     Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             Core    Project RAISE (Risk,       High Risk Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)  Neighborhood Services (Police)
             PS      Assessment, Intervention,   Victims
             1.1.4   Safety, and Engagement)     Outreach Hours Dedicated to IPV
                                                                          RAISE Victims Served and
             Project RAISE (Risk, Assessment, Intervention, Safety,
             and Engagement), consists of a victim centered                   Outreach Hours
             Multi‐Disciplinary Team of social service, community,    2,000
             and criminal justice agencies partnering together to
             address the issues that high‐risk family violence    1,500
             victims face. Project RAISE offers a professional
             support system to help develop a safe and healthy    1,000
             climate for the victim.
             Project RAISE focuses on the intervention of the high‐
             risk intimate partner violence (IPV) locations within    ‐
             each geographic district per month. The safety risk of    1st Qtr  2nd Qtr   3rd Qtr   4th Qtr
             each location is evaluated by monitoring the number
             of calls, history of violence, and the severity of    RAISE Victims Served  RAISE Outreach Hours
             violence. An in‐depth assessment is completed for
             the victim including a history of violence, barriers to
             service, needs assessment, and previous resources.
             This is accomplished through a Co‐Responder Team
             onsite visit. The team consists of a Victim Services
             Crisis Counselor and a patrol officer.  Safety planning
             and crisis intervention is provided to the victim in
             order to offer alternatives to a violence‐free


             Awareness of these ongoing situations provides an
             opportunity to intervene.

             Update:                                       The Victim Services Counselors provided assessments,
             This quarter, the Victim Services Unit identified 1,336   interventions, and referrals to community stakeholders, with an
             victims of IPV. The Victim Services Department   overall effort in in decreasing the risk of further violence within
             provided responsive interventions with a total of 61   the household.
             cases identified as high risk for IPV, in which required
             dual response home visit. The VS counselors spent   APD virtually staffed a total of 8 high risk cases using the Victim
             107 hours serving home visits this quarter. The   Centered Multi‐disciplinary staffing model. The team referred a
             counselors spent a total of 584 hours working with   total of 1,477 cases to One Safe Place for ongoing service
             victims of IPV.                               delivery and case management.

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