Page 523 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
P. 523

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                                                     Public Safety

                             Goal 2: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure
                              Objective 2: Complete Watershed Studies for Each Watershed within the City
                         Project                   Performance Measure(s)          City Service Team (Department)
             Core    Airport Drainage Study   Operating Cost Recovery          Economic Development and Capital
             PS                                                                Investment (Aviation)

             Over the past 25 years, the Airport has seen substantial growth in private sector development along South Collins,
             construction of a west parallel taxiway, as well as a runway extension, which have all affected drainage patterns
             throughout the Airport.  The extension of Center Street to South Green Oaks will attract development to the Airport’s
             west side.  In order to properly plan for this growth, a thorough evaluation of existing drainage patterns is required.

             TxDOT Aviation has provided a $250,000 grant to evaluate the Airport’s drainage and formulate a comprehensive plan to
             mitigate stormwater flow.

             The Airport’s engineer of record, RS&H, has completed the draft drainage report. TxDOT Aviation, Public Works and
             Airport staff are currently reviewing the draft report and proposed mitigation alternatives.

               Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure

                   Determination of Project Scope

                     Engineering Services Contract

                                   Field Work

                 Determine Mitigation Alternatives

                            Draft Report Review

                           Final Report Issuance

                                             1/21                        4/21                            7/21                     10/21                      1/22

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