Page 524 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                                     Public Safety

                             Goal 2: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure
                                         Objective 3: Enhance Awareness of Stormwater Risk
                       Project                    Performance Measure(s)            City Service Team (Department)
             Core   Stormwater Education     Number of public education campaigns   Economic Development and
             PS     Outreach               conducted                               Capital Investment (PWT)
             2.3.1                         Number of stormwater pollution safety
                                           presentations given at elementary schools
                                           Number of community events attended

             The Stormwater Education program provides          Outreach Task             Number Achieved
             community education about the problems and
                                                                                       1     2      3     4
             solutions to stormwater pollution, floodplain
                                                                                       Qtr.   Qtr.   Qtr.   Qtr.
             development, flood safety and preparedness.
                                                         Attend 10 Children’s Events    4     0     2      1

                                                         (Includes schools, library
             Community education can make a difference in
             both the quantity and quality of stormwater that   programs, after school programs,
             reaches our local waterways. Community      summer camps, etc.)
                                                         Placement of 360 “No Dumping”   92   88    97    88
             education includes programming with schools
             within the city limits to provide stormwater   storm drain inlet decals
             education to students.                      Attend 10 community events to   3    2     6      2
                                                         provide stormwater education
             Stormwater Education outreach efforts include,   materials

             but are not limited to, the following:

                    Provide the community with information

                    on responsible development
                    Provide property owners with
                    information and tools to protect their
                    families and property from flood
                    damage through flood preparedness.
                    Education outreach to schools within
                    AISD to provide stormwater education
                    such as “Turn Around Don’t Drown”.
                    Increase awareness of illicit discharges
                    and improper disposal of materials.

             The Stormwater Education Outreach program is
             currently conducting in‐person education
             outreach sessions at elementary schools.

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