Page 450 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Put Technology to Work
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 3: Increase Convenience for the Customer
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
PYW Electronic Plan Review Turnaround time for commercial Economic Development and Capital
1.3.3 Implementation construction plans within 12 business days Investment (Planning)
City Council approved the purchase and Milestone Estimated Actual
implementation of an Electronic Plan Review (EPR) Make Site Plan, Public July 2019 June 2019
solution for Planning & Development Services, the Improvement, Zoning and Plat
system was procured at the end of the 2017 – 2018 applications available online
budget with implementation starting in March 2019. for electronic submittal
The goal of the technology investment was to Achieve minimum of 10% of Oct. 2019 34%
streamline the review process as it relates to the applications available via EPR
development process for platting, zoning, Achieve minimum of 25% of Feb. 2020 76%
engineering site plan and building plan review. applications available via EPR
Performance Metric Target Actual
By implementing the EPR program customers can Provide 3 quarter percentage 90% 99%
submit plans electronically. This eliminates the need of users submitting plans via
for plans to be printed therefore saving cost incurred EPR
by the customer. Multiple staff members can review Provide 4 quarter Percentage 50% 75%
the submittals simultaneously thus reducing the of users stating they would
turnaround time. This allows Planning and recommend EPR to someone
Development Services (P&DS) the opportunity to else
promote consistency and enhance customer service. st
Provide FY 2021 1 quarter 60% 68%
Percentage of users stating
Update: they would recommend EPR
This project has been completed. to someone else