Page 453 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                             Put Technology to Work

                           Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
                                         Objective 3: Increase Convenience for the Customer
                           Project                   Performance Measure(s)        City Service Team (Department)
             PTW   Implement Virtual Court pilot   Implementation into business   Shared Services (Municipal Court)
             1.3.6  program into courtroom dockets   practices
                                                                   Milestone          Target Date     Status
             COVID‐19 caused the Municipal Court to rapidly   Review benefits and   1  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             adjust and implement two pilot programs. The    challenges of the virtual
             second pilot program was a virtual court walk in   court program
             docket to expand the Court’s accessibly to the public   Conduct process review   2  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             through technology and remote options.  The     and determine
             Municipal Court worked with the Judiciary to fast   effectiveness of pilot
             track a mechanism to provide access to the Court by   program.
             utilizing the Zoom platform to speak with a Judge   Review plans with   3  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             during a virtual walk‐in court session. The Virtual   Judiciary for continued
             Court also serves as an open proceeding for public   Standing Order approval
             access viewing via streamed live sessions.      and best practice
             Update:                                         Highlight and promote   3  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             This authority to continue to conduct virtual dockets   virtual court dockets on
             and hearings were brought before the legislature.    court website
             The 87th (R) session bills – SB 690 and HB were filed   Implement into business   4  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             and would have amended the Government Code to   practices
             authorize a court, on the court's motion or the
             motion of any party, to conduct a hearing or other
             proceeding as a “remote proceeding” without the
             consent of the parties unless the US Constitution or
             Texas Constitution requires consent.

             These bills were not passed during the legislative
             session nor the issue introduced in the special
             sessions.  Therefore, Municipal Courts are not
             authorized to continue to conduct Virtual Dockets
             and hearings once the Governor’s emergency order
             expires. It is unclear when these emergency
             declarations will end, and the Court continues to
             conduct virtual hearings on an extremely limited
             basis. The Court has fully reimplemented in person
             dockets and hearings and has established best
             practices, policies and procedures for virtual dockets
             should COVID‐19 shutdowns return.

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