Page 455 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Put Technology to Work
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 3: Increase Convenience for the Customer
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
PTW Update the PDS Customer Increase the number of survey Economic Development and Capital
1.3.8 Service Survey Tool responses from our customers Investment (Planning)
Milestone Estimated Actual
During the current year, we will be evaluating and PDS internal meetings Mar. 2021 Apr. 2021
updating our customer service survey tool. The held to develop an
current Planning and Development Services survey overall plan for better
tool has remained unchanged since 2009. The survey placement at
highest number of surveys returned occurred during different points in the
FY 2012 with 625 responses. The number of survey development process
responses dropped dramatically in FY 2020 to 91 Research survey tools Apr. – July 2021 July 2021
surveys returned. Additionally, during the 4 and develop draft survey
quarter of FY 2020, PDS launched an ePlan Review questions
Survey which performed much better with an Finalize survey questions July 2021
average of 31 responses per month. However, the and phased
placement of the survey on implementation by
had applicants using the survey for non‐ePlan workgroup:
Review responses. PDS will be working to improve Building Permits Issued July 2021
the placement, method, and questions to better (Plans Examiners)
understand our customer needs to improve our Building Inspections Aug. 2021
service levels. As outlined in our department three‐ Performed
year workplan the primary focus will be in four main Land Development Sept. 2021
areas: Zoning, Platting, Site
Speed – Response time for conducting plan Plans –
reviews and inspection requests; staff (Planners/Engineers)
quickness in response to inquiries Customer service Oct. 2021
Certainty – Applicants flowing through the Representatives
plan review and inspection process as Health Services Nov. 2021
Customer Experience – Clear direction and Performance Metric* Target Actual
explanations of the plan review and Reporting of the survey results Nov. 2021
inspection process to customers; PDS staff
will begin three months after
assistance through the process survey is launched beginning
Quality of the Service – Staff credibility and with Building Permits Issued
competency; knowledge of codes, Plans Examiners
ordinances for plan reviews and inspections Increased number of responses 100 surveys
received quarterly beginning returned
Update: July‐September each
Internal meetings were held in the spring to discuss
potential questions and determine the best format
and placement of the survey link for each
*More metrics will be added as the project moves along.
In August, draft survey questions were developed
and reviewed with the Building Inspections
Supervisor. The Building Inspections test survey has
been created and is currently being tested using the
Constant Contact application. Once the Building