Page 451 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                             Put Technology to Work

                           Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
                                         Objective 3: Increase Convenience for the Customer
                          Project                    Performance Measure(s)        City Service Team (Department)
             PYW   Enhanced Interactive         Project Completion              Economic Development and Capital
             1.3.4  Development Process Guide                                   Investment (Planning)

             With the changes that happened in the last few years     Milestone          Estimated    Actual

             concerning technology and COVID‐19 restrictions, all   Department brainstorming   Aug. 2021   Aug. 2021
             permitting activity is now online. Many of our   session
             customers can conduct business with the City at the   Seek input from development   Sept. 2021
             tips of their fingers and in the convenience of their   customers on permitting
             homes/offices. However, we still receive several   process
             phone calls regarding how to move through the    CMO update on the          Nov. 2021
             permitting process. Our staff are always willing and   permitting DRAFT
             able to help these customers.                    Seek input from health     Dec. 2021
                                                              services customers
             Currently, we have technical bulletins and short   CMO update on the health   Mar. 2022
             videos in different locations across our website.   DRAFT
             However, there still seems to be a disconnect with   Seek input from contracting   Apr. 2022
             our customers and these resources. With the      customers on inspections
             Interactive Development Process Guide, we plan to   CMO update on the       June 2022
             bring all the how‐to videos for each process together   inspections DRAFT
             in a very streamlined process flowchart thereby   Seek input from land      July 2022
             making it more easily available on google searches so   development customers
             that our customers can get to the specific item they
                                                              CMO update on the land     Sept. 2022
             are looking for. We will seek input from our     development DRAFT
             customers and DRT concerning what would be most
                                                              Overall update to Council   Oct. 2022
             helpful. We will also be seeking guidance from OOC

             both on which tools to utilize for the website and for
             the shooting/editing of some of our how‐to videos
             and interviews.

             Introduced the team, discussed the goal, issues, and
             end result.

             Customer Service Reps discussed issues the
             applicants were experiencing including not being
             computer literate, not owning a computer, not
             knowing where to find information as it wasn’t all in
             one location, and not knowing what to do as

             We are creating a survey, which will be updated
             throughout the process, to help us identify problems
             and improve customer service and ease of use.

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