Page 452 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                             Put Technology to Work

                           Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
                                         Objective 3: Increase Convenience for the Customer
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             PYW   Implement Enhanced Email   Implementation into business practices  Shared Services (Municipal Court)
             1.3.5  Procedures
                                                                   Milestone          Target Date     Status
             COVID‐19 caused the Municipal Court to rapidly   Review benefits and   1  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             adjust and implement two pilot programs to reduce   challenges of the
             foot traffic and increase customer service      enhanced email
             accessibility to procedural Justice.  The first was   procedures
             enhanced email and web procedures.  The Municipal   Create a paperless   1  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             Court has worked with the Judiciary to allow    workflow in Incode for
             defendants to submit questions and file documents   judge service request
             to a single new central email address that is   Conduct process review   2  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             monitored and processed by the Court.           and determine
                                                             effectiveness of pilot
             Update:                                         programs
             This fiscal year, the Court processed 8,108 email e‐file   Review with Judiciary for   3  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             requests and 2,818 Judge Service Requests.  Emailing   continued Standing
             and e‐filing is a system that enables defendants to   Order approval
             file documents with the court anytime, anywhere,   Highlight and promote   3  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             24‐hours‐a‐day, seven‐days‐a‐week and increase   enhanced email services
             access and procedural justice for defendants.    on website.
             Response time from when the court receives an   Implement into business   4  Qtr. FY 2021   Complete
             email questions are often completed within 72 hours   practices
             or less. This service has been highlighted on the
             court’s website and also on outgoing correspondence
             with defendants.

             The Municipal Court continues to work with the
             Judiciary to improve on email/e‐filing services.  This
             system provides defendants the opportunity to
             transition to a technology‐based electronic filing (e‐
             filing) system. The Court has established best
             practices and access to Justice at the Municipal Court
             Level and fully implemented this initiative into our
             business practice.

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