Page 454 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Put Technology to Work
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 3: Increase Convenience for the Customer
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
PTW East Innovation Zone Shared Services (Communication and
1.3.7 Legislative Affairs) and Neighborhood
Services (Library and Parks)
Milestone Target Date Status
As the City works to advance the City Council priorities of Develop an “Innovation 3 Qtr. FY 202 100%
Put Technology to Work, Champion Great Neighborhoods, Zone Plan”
and Support Youth and Families, it has obtained a grant Build out Innovation Zone 1 Qtr. FY 2021 100%
from the State of Texas to develop an Innovation Zone Plaza outside of the East
centered at the East Library and Recreation Center in the Library and Recreation
total amount of $750,000. Center
The East Innovation Zone will provide access to economic
mobility opportunities to area residents by bridging the
digital divide, create a tech‐centered outdoor community
space and building sustainable partnerships with area
In the 4 quarter, additional seating and tables were
added to the exterior area so the more visitors could work
and enjoy the outdoor space of the Innovation Zone. The
remaining grant funds were used to purchase 200
Chromebook laptops that the public can check out for 30
days at a time. These were supplemented with 100
hotspots donated by T‐Mobile, along with three years of
unlimited data service funded by the American CARES Act
grant completing the set to provide complete access to Wi‐
Fi and computing. These features, along with all the other
assets purchased with the $750,000 grant, have resulted in
a wonderful complement of space and technology features
benefiting the East Arlington community.