Page 173 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 173

Finance & Technology

              The mission of the Finance Department is to facilitate accountability of City funds and other assets
             entrusted to the City and provide financial information to enable decision-making that will ensure the
            City’s financial sustainability while providing exemplary service to our internal and external customers.

                                        ADMINISTRATION               PURCHASING               IT OPERATIONS               City Department Overview

                 FINANCE &
                                                                   UTILITY BILLING
                                       MUNICIPAL COURT                                         TEEN COURT
                                                                 CUSTOMER SERVICE

                              48.38                 $7,633,753                  14.0%

                                                      General Fund Budget
                                   FTE                                        of the total General Fund

                                                                     e S
                                                          Finance Strategy Map
                                                  The mission of the Finance Department is to facilitate accountability of City funds
                                                  and other assets entrusted to the City and provide financial information to enable

                                INTEGRITY         decision-making that will ensure the City’s financial sustainability while providing
                                INNOVATION                exemplary service to our internal and external customers.
                                TEAMWORK                   We           on Our Focus Areas
                                EXCELLENCE                      deliver
                                                         Safety &   Infrastructure &   Partnerships &   Performance
                                                         Security  Development  Volunteerism  Management &
                                                                                           Service Delivery
                          We Serve            We Provide            We Manage             Promote
                            Our                 Financial              The
                         Customers            Stewardship            Business            Learning &
                        We do this by         We do this by        We do this by         We do this by
                      FN  Providing         FN  Providing        FN  Providing         FN  Enhancing training
                      C1  professional and   F1  exceptional services   B1  innovative business   L1   and development

                         courteous customer    through efficient     solutions.            opportunities.
                         service.              management of     FN  Promoting the
                      FN  Administering        resources.        B2  efficient and      FN  Building a positive,

                      C2  strong internal   FN  Ensuring fi scal     effective use of city   L2  productive, and
                         and external       F2  management          resources.            engaged workforce
                         communications.       to maintain the   FN  Providing accurate,   that supports the

                                               City’s financial      timely, and           City’s mission and
                                               sustainability.   B3  transparent financial   strategic goals.

                                            FN  Develop and         and statistical
                                            F3  implement           information.
                                               appropriate internal
                         C = Customer Objectives  F = Financial Objectives  B = Business Objectives  L = Learning & Growth Objectives
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