Page 169 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 169

Community Services

             The Community Services Department mission it to create world class experiences and be the premier
                                              destination for lifelong memories.

                                        ADMINISTRATION                  PARKS

                COMMUNITY                                                                       COMMUNITY                 City Department Overview
                 SERVICES                                                                       RELATIONS

                                                                       EVENTS &

                             121.48                 $6,156,492                   11.3%

                                                      General Fund Budget
                                   FTE                                        of the total General Fund

                                                    Community Services Strategy Map
                                                    C  ommuni      t y  S erv  ic e s S tr a t e gy  Map
                                                     Our mission is to create world-class experiences. Our vision is to be the premier
                                                                    destination for life-long memories.
                                 INNOVATION                We   deliver  on Our Focus Areas
                                                          Safety &   Infrastructure &   Partnerships &   Performance
                                                          Security   Development  Volunteerism  Management &
                                                                                            Service Delivery

                           We Serve             We Provide           We Manage              Promote
                             Our                 Financial              The
                          Customers            Stewardship            Business             Learning &
                         We do this by         We do this by        We do this by        We do this by
                       C1  Creating world-class   F1  Intentional planning and   B1  Achieving strong service   L1  Attracting and retaining
                          recreational and park   conservative financial   outcomes through   a talented and motivated

                          experiences that      management practices,   innovative process   workforce by setting a
                          promote wellbeing,    including adhering to   improvement and better   strong foundation for
                                                                                           success through a well-
                          pursuit of personal   cost recovery initiatives   practices for parks and   developed, fun, and
                          enjoyment, and create   and goals, promoting   recreation professionals.  comprehensive onboarding
                          life-long memories    volunteer opportunities,   Collaborating with select   program.
                                                and partnering with   B2
                       C2  Enhancing the sense of   community organizations   partners to implement   L2  Creating a culture that
                          community through well   that enhance our   service solutions.   maximizes employee’s
                          run recreational, parks,   customer service                      strengths, grows customer
                          hospitality, and customer                                        service and innovation, and
                                                                                           motivates employees to be
                          relations programs, and   F2  Being future-ready by              engaged in their jobs every
                          fostering partnerships,   evaluating department                  day.
                          citizen engagement, and   resources, investing
                          volunteer opportunities.  in high quality assets,             L3  Proactively planning for
                                                and protecting those                       the future by providing
                                                                                           leadership and professional
                                                assets through the Asset                   development opportunities
                                                Replacement Plan.                          to prepare employees for
                                                                                           the next step in their careers
                          C = Customer Objectives  F = Financial Objectives  B = Business Objectives  L = Learning & Growth Objectives
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