Page 172 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
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Economic Development & Tourism - Department Goals
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Proactively pursue stronger • Communicate project details, provide updates,
community engagement using formal and and ensure the team is informed on division
informal processes. initiatives and activities.
Department goal: Support partnerships with CITY-WIDE GOAL: Strengthen the community
other businesses and organizations that are and perceptions of Southlake around the City’s
mutually beneficial in promoting tourism and the brand.
local economy.
Department goal: Promote the City both
Implementation Strategy: nationally and regionally as a great place to live,
• Implement and oversee an enhanced business work, visit, shop and recreate.
engagement program, complete with strategic
goals and objectives, roles, and responsibilities. Implementation Strategy: Implement an annual
• Work with strategic partners such as the public communication plan that identifies goals,
Chamber of Commerce to create and enhance strategic key messages, delivery mechanisms,
City Department Overview
networking programs for the benefit of the and audience through Select Southlake and Visit
entire business community. Southlake platforms.
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Develop a highly qualified, CITY-WIDE GOAL: Develop strategic
motivated, well-trained, and innovative management program measures to ensure
workforce to serve the needs of an evolving leaders are properly managing and fully aware
community by solidifying a learning culture of expected outcomes, monitoring progress,
and implementing recommendations from the and aligning work efforts to meet expectations.
City of Southlake’s Organizational Learning and
Development Strategic Operations Plan. Department goal: Achieve the City’s goals by
implementing the adopted Southlake 2035:
Department goal: Ensure staff is sufficiently Economic Development, Economic Development
trained and educated on different functions Addendum, and Tourism Master Plans.
of the department so any staff member can
implement the department’s initiatives and Implementation Strategy: Develop an annual
achieve the City’s goals. work plan for each department division that
implements master plan recommendations,
Implementation Strategy: establishes outcomes, defines timelines, and
• Cross train employees by creating demonstrates success in implementation.
collaboration opportunities with other
department divisions.
Performance Measures
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
Performance Measure
Actuals Actuals Projection Target
Local Unemployment Rate 3.00% 3.50% 3.70% 5.00%
Southlake Retail Occupancy Rate 95.50% 96.30% 96.50% 90.00%
Southlake Office Occupancy Rate 82.20% 79.80% 81.20% 82.00%
Consumer Sales - Sales Tax (One Cent) 14.70% 7.70% -1.80% 2.00%
Percentage Increase (year-over-year)
172 FY 2025 City of Southlake | Budget Book