Page 174 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 174

Finance & Technology

              The mission of the Information Technology Division is to provide technology services to the City of
              Southlake that are secure, scalable, reliable, financially viable, and aligned with the city’s Strategic
                                                    Management System.

                                             Information Technology Strategy Map
                                                  The mission of the Information Technology Division is to provide technology
                                                  services to the City of Southlake that are secure, scalable, reliable, financially

                                INTEGRITY             viable, and aligned with the city’s Strategic Management System.
                                TEAMWORK                   We           on Our Focus Areas
                                EXCELLENCE                      deliver
                                                         Safety &   Infrastructure &   Partnerships &   Performance
                                                         Security  Development  Volunteerism  Management &
                                                                                           Service Delivery
   City Department Overview
                          We Serve            We Provide            We Manage             Promote
                            Our                 Financial              The
                         Customers            Stewardship            Business            Learning &
                        We do this by         We do this by        We do this by         We do this by
                      IT   Providing a high-  IT   Providing high-   IT   Providing technology   IT   Providing technical
                      C1  performing service   F1  value services   B1  solutions and   L1  and solution
                         desk.                 through efficient     development services   training to both

                      IT   Minimizing security   management of      supporting the City’s   internal and
                      C2  risks.               resources.           objectives.           external customers.
                                            IT   Provide a balanced   IT   Providing technical   IT   Building a positive,
                                            F2  IT cost structure.  B2  solution consulting   L2  productive, and
                                                                    to support City       engaged workforce
                                                                    process improvement   that supports the
                                                                    projects.             City’s mission and
                                                                 IT   Providing cost-     strategic goals.
                                                                 B3  effective and highly
                                                                    available technology
                         C = Customer Objectives  F = Financial Objectives  B = Business Objectives  L = Learning & Growth Objectives
             Finance & Information Technology - Department Goals
          CITY-WIDE GOAL: Develop a technology                    CITY-WIDE GOAL: Streamline systems and
          strategic plan for the city, to include                 reinforce strategic alignment throughout
          recommendations addressing identified                   all levels of the organization through
          technology risks (technology infrastructure,            implementation tools such as departmental
          data security/security breach)                          business/work plans, business unity
                                                                  scorecards, comprehensive planning, and
          Department goal: Improve IT security to prevent         other accountability mechanisms. Improve
          unauthorized access to organizational assets            accountability structures for stronger efficacy.
          (computers, networks, and databases).
                                                                  Department goal: Promote accountability
          Implementation Strategy:                                throughout the divisions.
          •   Finalize network redesign project.
          •   Complete technology master plan.                    Implementation Strategy:
          •   Continue to educate employees about                 •  Improve asset management.
            technology and security risks.                        •   Analyze KAIs and revisit scorecards to align
                                                                    with current goals

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