Page 167 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 167

City Secretary’s Office

              The mission of the CSO is to support the legislative process, encourage civic involvement, promote
                          governmental transparency, and provide exceptional service to the public.

                                                                          CITY COUNCIL & BOARD

                       CITY SECRETARY’S OFFICE                                   ELECTIONS                                City Department Overview

                                                                          RECORDS MANAGEMENT

                                 4.0                 $672,400                     1.2%

                                                      General Fund Budget
                                   FTE                                        of the total General Fund

                                                   City Secretary’s Office Strategy Map
                                                   Ci t y  S ecr e tary’  s Offi    c e S  tr a t e gy  Map
                                                      The mission of the CSO is to support the legislative process, encourage civic
                                                   involvement, promote governmental transparency, and provide exceptional service
                                 INTEGRITY                                 to the public.
                                 TEAMWORK                   We           on Our Focus Areas
                                 EXCELLENCE                      deliver
                                                          Safety &   Infrastructure &   Partnerships &   Performance
                                                          Security   Development  Volunteerism  Management &
                                                                                            Service Delivery

                           We Serve             We Provide           We Manage              Promote
                             Our                 Financial              The
                          Customers            Stewardship            Business             Learning &

                         We do this by         We do this by        We do this by         We do this by
                       CSO  Provide excellent service   CSO  Ensuring a commitment   CSO  Achieving strong   CSO  Defining, managing, and

                       C1  by assisting the public   F1  to using collaborative   B1  outcomes through   L1  fostering a professional
                                                                                           and engaged workplace
                                                                      continual evaluation
                                                 agreements while
                           and elected officials in

                           navigating governmental   providing high value   and pursuit of better   culture that supports
                           processes.            services through     practices through    city values and promotes

                                                 responsible management   efficient elections and   a positive employee
                       CSO  Enhancing the sense   of resources.       the improvement of   experience.
                                                                      business operations.
                       C2  of community through   CSO  Providing and   CSO  Partner with   CSO  Provide educational
                           the board appointment

                           process by creating   maintaining efficient and   organizations to   opportunities to retain a
                           opportunities for   F2  improved procedures for   B2  establish and maintain   L2  skilled workforce.
                           volunteer involvement.  record assets.     relationships.
                                                                  CSO  Maintaining an environment
                                                                      of future readiness by
                                                                  B3  anticipating and responding
                                                                      to technology opportunities
                                                                      and enhance recordkeeping
                          C = Customer Objectives  F = Financial Objectives  B = Business Objectives  L = Learning & Growth Objectives
                                                                                FY 2025 City of Southlake  |  Budget Book   167
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