Page 164 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 164
City Manager’s Office - Department Goals
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Strengthen strategic CITY-WIDE GOAL: Maintain strong financial
planning and management efforts as a means of management through established methods to
determining resource allocation priorities and continue achieving operational and financial
to ensure performance targets are adequately goals while focusing future plans on expanding
defined. organizational capacity.
Department goal: Establish accountability for Department goal: Provide high-value municipal
focused and results-oriented performances that services that balance conservative financial
are balanced with a tolerance for innovative management goals with strong customer
experimentation. experience considerations.
Implementation Strategy: Implementation Strategy:
• Develop an overall strategic management • Use financial trend data to proactively
and utility implementation plan that provides understand customer, environmental,
system improvements, addresses renewal management, and financial factors that may
City Department Overview
of existing aged infrastructure, improves affect city finances and to transparently report
customer understanding and relations, and financial information to the public.
proactively ensures a resilient, cost effective • Apply financial guiding principles to the budget
and sustainable system. process by ensuring structural balance, strong
• Develop strategic management program reserves, conservative debt management, and
measures to ensure leaders are properly other key budgetary policy directives are met.
managing and fully aware of expected • Recognize the potential for a changing financial
outcomes, monitoring progress, and aligning landscape by developing new revenue sources
work efforts to meet expectations. as needed and ensure funding strategies
reflect the actual cost of delivering high-quality
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Ensure organizational norms services.
and traditions reflect the community’s profile.
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Ensure Southlake’s future
Department goal: Promote ethical and values- readiness by modeling adaptability and
driven decision making to guide day-to-day work innovation and maintaining a capacity to
and ensure an outstanding work environment. effectively respond to emerging challenges and
opportunities in our community.
Implementation Strategy:
• Cultivate and define organizational culture Department goal: Develop a forward-looking
that aligns with the City’s aspirational culture strategy that integrates continuous innovation,
as a fundamental management tool through agility, and workforce development to ensure the
quarterly accountability meetings and periodic organization remains competitive and resilient in
reviews of scorecard results. an ever-evolving environment.
• Establish cultural attributes throughout all
City departments and divisions by defining Implementation Strategy:
and training on our desired organizational • Integrate advanced AI tools and platforms
culture. We will achieve this by using tools across key government functions to streamline
such as roundtable discussions and everyday processes, improve decision-making,
interactions. and automate routine tasks, allowing the
organization to respond more quickly to
community needs, optimize resource allocation,
and reduce operational costs, enhancing overall
efficiency and service delivery.
164 FY 2025 City of Southlake | Budget Book