Page 514 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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Public Safety
Goal 1: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry Best Practices and Policies to Foster a Safe
Objective 2: Protect Public Well‐being
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
Core Fire Station Alerting System Replace fire radios over three budget Fire
PS years.
Automating our Fire Station Alerting System (FSAS) will Milestone Completion
reduce dispatch call‐processing times which leads to Phase 1: Stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Sept. 2024
firefighters responding faster. Dispatching with text to 7, 9, 11
speech will keep the voice heard consistent over the radio Fire Station Network: Nov. 2024
regardless of the time of day, workload, or stress level. Connecting Bryx Control Unit to
Calls will be dispatched faster because a dispatcher will no the Vendor Network
longer need to manually select the stations to receive the Phase 2: Stations 10, 12, 13, 14, Jan. 2025
tones then manually read the call. Alerting time will be 15, 16, 17
faster because all speakers will be opened simultaneously Station 8: installed in new TBD – depending
rather than being opened manually in sequence. This station on construction
upgraded alerting system will not replace dispatchers but schedule
should lead to reduced stress and workload. All systems
include Heart Safe ramped tones which help reduce
cardiac stress and anxiety. Speaker volume gradually
increases rather than being instantly on at full volume to
alert firefighters of calls. Implementation options include
systems to alert only the individual units responding to the
call at night.
Phase 1 is approximately 90% complete. In November of
2024, Phase 1 will be completed, and Phase 2 will begin. IT
has surveyed the connectivity requirements at each station
and has already started installing network ports. Station
connectivity is being managed by IT with City staff and