Page 510 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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Public Safety
Goal 1: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry Best Practices and Policies to Foster a Safe
Objective 2: Protect Public Well‐being
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
Core Court Security Master Plan Implementation into Business Municipal Court
PS Practices
The assassination attempt against Travis County Milestone Target Date Status
District Judge Julie Kocurek in the fall of 2015 Meet with CSC to Review 1 Qtr. FY 2024 Complete
underscored the need for continuous evaluation of and Discuss OCA Security
court security policies and plans. According to the Assessment, Goals and
Texas Office of Court Administration, court incidents Plans
have increased 23% from the prior year to an all‐time Meet with Chief 2 Qtr. FY 2024 Complete
high of 588 incidents. These incidents include, but Information Security Officer
are not limited to, threats to harm a person or Visit and Benchmark 4 Qtr. FY 2024 Ongoing
property, disorderly conduct, assaults, weapons, Regional Cities
introduction of weapons or contraband, or any other Work with stakeholders to 1 Qtr. FY 2025
serious situation involving security issues that Implement or establish
disrupts court activities. Thus, Courts must ensure steps towards
proper court security procedures, training, implementation of
technology, personnel, and architectural features, to applicable OCA and NCSC
not only protect the safety of the people and best practices
property within and around the courts, but also the recommendations and
integrity of the judicial process. update CSC
Review Completed 2 Qtr. FY 2025
Under the auspices of the Court Security Committee Milestones, Business
(CSC) and utilizing best practices from the Texas Practices, and Plans to
Office of Court Administration, and the National Compile into Centralized
Center for State Courts (NCSC), the Municipal Court Final Plan
will be taking a proactive approach to updating Final Approval from CSC on 3 Qtr. FY 2025
policies, procedures, operations, structures, Master Plan Updates
trainings, and planning to create and implement a
comprehensive and centralized security master plan. concerns that have appeared as a result of opening and traffic
flow. Adjustments were made in courtrooms to adjust for bailiff
Update: screening and defendant separation between the Judges.
As indicated in prior updates, City Tower has been Additionally, signage and flow of the defendants entering and
undergoing structural improvements and all court exiting security sensitive positions were added. Another
operations transitioned to the old UTA Social Work adjustment was the camera systems were realigned for coverage
building. As a result, we have not been able to of building as a result there were blind spots were exposed.
conduct site visits to neighboring cities to review. Court met with IT and the security camera company to discuss
This move created new security risks that required and address these issues. Additionally, the Court Administrator
immediate attention. and Chief Warrant Officer identified a fire safety plan and
presented the layout, emergency exits, meet up zone to all
The Court successfully transitioned to the UTA social leadership of stakeholders in building to present to staff.
work building July 2024. The court has seen an
increase in citations issued and as a result, more The Court Administrator has begun the framework and outline of
traffic flow this quarter. The Court Administrator, progress towards a master plan to implement at City office
Chief Warrant Officer and Presiding Judge met on Tower and will continue working with stakeholders on
several occasions to discuss operational security implementation.