Page 505 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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Public Safety
Goal 1: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry Best Practices and Policies to Foster a Safe
Objective 1: Improve Quality of Life and Place
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
Core Police Department Storefront • Reduction of crime in police reporting Police
PS area surrounding storefront
1.1.6 • Number of citizen contacts at storefront
• Citizen perception of crime and safety
The Arlington Police Department has four police stations
that are geographically aligned to provide service delivery
to residents. Due to the recent population growth and
expansion of single and multi-family housing in the south
district, the Police Department must evaluate
decentralized cost-effective models to improve
community-police relations, customer service and reduce
the fear of crime. One decentralized model is
implementing police storefronts – or “Cop Shops”- in
commercial business complexes adjacent to residential
Police storefronts are a community resource that provides
a centralized location to engage residents, business
owners and other city departments to discuss safety
concerns, share intelligence, develop crime prevention
strategies, and address quality of life issues. In addition to
providing an alternative space to build community
partnerships, implementing storefronts increases the
frequency of police presence and visibility resulting in
reduced citizen fear and increased safety.
We have completed the bid process for the IT systems in
the building: Computer docks, cameras, and access points
(door access).
We are in the bid process for the exterior signage and door
We are finalizing bids for the furniture and desks for the