Page 501 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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This quarter, the VS unit serviced a total of 3,235 victims of Domestic Violence Victims Served and
violent crime. This includes intimate partner violence and all Outreach Hours
other general victimizations. The Victim Services Department 2,000
provided 1,496 outreach hours for victims of violent crimes.
During this 4th quarter, a total of 1,668 Family 1,000
Violence/Domestics victims were serviced by the VS Unit. 500
Overall, a total of 957 service hours were dedicated to all FV
victims of crime by VS counselors. Out of 1,668 domestic
victims, 1,065 were identified as victims of intimate partner 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
violence. VS counselors dedicated 747 hours of outreach to
Domestic Violence Victims Served
the IPV victims.
Domestic Violence Outreach Hours
During this quarter, the VS unit serviced 115 on scene victims
of crime. Out of 115 on scene responses, 66 cases were
identified as IPV and eligible for co-response RAISE home visit Domestic Violence Victims
program. 58 IPV victims were receptive to home visits, multi-
disciplinary staffing, and case management resources from a
Victim Services Counselor. In addition, VS Counselors
provided transportation assistance to a total of 89 victims IPV
within this quarter.
The VS counselors contacted 58 IPV victims for the PROJECT OTHER
RAISE Program and provided a total of 76 hours to victims 1,065
who participated in the RAISE home visit program.
The VS unit staffed a total of 58 high risk cases using the
Victim Centered Multi-disciplinary staffing model. Over the
4 quarter, the team referred a total 863 of crime victims to
One Safe Place for ongoing service delivery and case DV - Outreach Hours
management. The Victim Services Department directly
handled case management for a total of 759 victims of crime.
IPV numbers and hours are a subset of Total Domestic 76 IPV
Violence numbers and hours. RAISE
Performance Measures FY 2024 OTHER
IPV Victims Served 1065
IPV Outreach Hours 747
Project RAISE is a subset of IPV numbers.
Performance Measures FY 2024
RAISE Victims Served 66
RAISE Outreach Hours 76