Page 513 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                                     Public Safety

                 Goal 1: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry Best Practices and Policies to Foster a Safe
                                              Objective 2: Protect Public Well‐being
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)                Department(s)
             Core  Community Health Program    Overall satisfaction of project  Fire
             PS                                  management
             Focus of the Community Engagement Team is to reduce                                 Estimated
             use on the AEMS system by High Utilizer Groups. Our initial     Milestone          Completion
             team consist of our departments Epidemiologist and a    Home Visits and Follow ups   Ongoing
             Paramedic in collaboration with AMR. The team offices out   Expanding to Facilities    Ongoing
             of the Public Health Facility.                          Recover Resource Council   FY 2025
             The Team initially started with referrals from AFD and AMR   Collaboration with APD units   Ongoing
             field units. From those referrals the team would make a   Expanding the team      FY 2026
             profile then set up home visits and follow ups. Then the
             team also included their own data mining from Netviewer
             and ESO for possible parties needed their service.

             The Team began working with Nursing Homes and Assisted   We officially met with Recovery Resource Council. Working
             Living Centers, reducing unnecessary Lift Assist calls,   on an MOU and other legal documents to present to Legal.
             educating, and training staff members.            The possible initial implementation would be one day a
                                                               week RRC going out with our CET. RRC has also expanded
             The Team currently has a city vehicle, one portable radio   their services to any substance not just Opioids which
             and one tablet. A need for a CAD License is most likely   allows us a greater chance of using their services.
             needed in near future.
                                                               Looking at options to utilize Light Duty position to
             The Team has partnered with APD’s BHLEU team on some   supplement CET response team. All other items are still
             of their investigations as well as the Homeless Team from   ongoing.

             We are working on a collaboration with Recover Resource
             Council whose focus is Opioid Overdoses. Chief Flaherty
             performed a ride along with Dallas Fire Rescue Team who
             also is collaborating with RRC.

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