Page 518 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                                     Public Safety

                             Goal 2: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure
                                         Objective 2: Enhance Awareness of Stormwater Risk
                          Project                  Performance Measure(s)                 Department(s)
             Core  Stream Gauge Infrastructure   Implement a Flood Warning and   Public Works
             PS    Upgrade and Communication   Response Program based on Flood
             2.2.2                            Monitoring System
                                                                                    Estimated     Actual
             The City of Arlington operates a Flood Monitoring System               Completion   Completion
             consisting of nine data collection sites across the City. Each   Task 1   July 2024
             site collects important information such as rainfall   Task 2         Apr. 2024
             increments, rainfall total accumulation, and stream water   Task 3    Sept. 2024
             depths. The system operates via ALERT2 (Automated Local
             Evaluation in Real Time) radio transmission to provide live   This data collected by the stream gauges will benefit the
             storm data that can increase public safety by targeting   citizens of Arlington by informing them about active flood
             emergency operations to known flood-risk locations. The   risks to take appropriate action. The implementation of a
             rainfall and stream depth data can be used for post-storm   flood hazard notification system will reduce the potential
             engineering assessments and future event preparation.   loss of life or injury due to flood hazards from overtopped
             During FY 2024, the Floodplain Group will perform the   roadways. The collected data also assists in identifying
             following three tasks:                            flood protection projects to be incorporated into the
                 •  Task 1: Implement fully functional Emergency  Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan.
                    Warning Dissemination (EWD) application that
                    provides citizens with roadway flooding    Update:
                    information and meets the Community Rating  Task 1: In progress. Hardware upgrades were installed in
                    System (CRS) program requirements for Activity  May 2024. Staff is testing program alerts before turning
                    610.                                       the application public-facing.
                 •  Task 2: Develop a Flood Response Operations
                    (FRO) plan that identifies opportunities to prevent  Task 2: Is in progress by City staff, with Task 1 completion
                    the loss of life and property damage during a  being a critical component of the FRO plan.
                    flood and meets the CRS Activity 610
                    requirements.                              Task 3: Staff is developing a list of critical facility
                 •  Task 3: Identify Critical Facilities to coordinate  classifications in accordance with CRS definitions. Upon
                    individual flood warning and response planning  completion of this list, will coordinate with EOC to confirm
                    (CFP) in accordance with Activity 610      all vital Flood Response facilities are mapped.

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