Page 519 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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Public Safety
Goal 2: Mitigate Flood Risks and Protect Stormwater Infrastructure
Objective 2: Enhance Awareness of Stormwater Risk
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
Core Develop and Substantial Damage Implementation of the Substantial Public Works
PS Management Plan (SDP) Damage Management Plan
Estimated Actual
The City of Arlington participates in the National Flood Completion Completion
Insurance Program’s Community Rating System (CRS). The Task 1 Oct. 2023 Jan. 2024
CRS Program rewards communities for exceeding FEMA’s Task 2 Dec. 2023 Feb. 2024
minimum requirements by offering discounted flood Task 3 Mar. 2024
insurance rates to all residents. The substantial damage
plan (SDP) is the plans and actions that a community takes Update:
before a flood or hazard event to be prepared for Task 1: City received data from FEMA in January 2024 to
managing and mitigating substantial damaged structures. proceed with development of SDP.
The SDP increases awareness of flood-risk areas, identifies
vulnerable structures and neighborhoods, and ensures Task 2: Entry of data into the FEMA Substantial Damage
there is a strategy in place for making damage Estimator is complete.
determinations and enforcing the substantial damage
requirements before a disaster occurs. The Task 3: Draft SDP is in progress. Staff received feedback
implementation of the SDP enforces long-term actions to from Floodplain PPI Committee and is implementing
mitigate properties and reduce future losses. revisions. Estimated to provide draft plan to Council
November 2024.
During FY 2024, the Floodplain Group will perform the
following three tasks:
• Task 1: Coordination with State and FEMA to
receive directives and pertinent data for the
development of SDP.
• Task 2: Create the basic property database to
collect structural information of high flood risk
properties to upload into FEMA’s Substantial
Damage Estimator tool so that it is ready to use
prior to a disaster.
• Task 3: Submit SDP to City Council for adoption.