Page 511 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                                     Public Safety

                 Goal 1: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry Best Practices and Policies to Foster a Safe
                                              Objective 2: Protect Public Well-being
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)                Department(s)
             Core  Library Emergency and Safety   Achieve quarterly target goals   Library
             PS    Plan
             The Library will update its Facility Emergency and Safety   •  1  and 2  Quarters: Conduct a SWOT analysis of
             Plan processes and procedures to align with industry      each location in the library system
             standards and the City of Arlington protocols. The Library   •  1  – 4  Quarter: Design Emergency Plan based on
             will work in concert with and under the guidance of Risk   the framework provided by Risk Management for
             Management, Office of Emergency Management, APD, and      all sever library locations.
             AFD. With seven facilities of various sizes and       •   4  Quarter: Conduct training with staff on various
             configurations delivering public service during extended   emergency scenarios
             hours, developing emergency plans that help staff respond   •  4  Quarter: Develop an after-action analysis and
             appropriately is vital for staff and patron safety. Areas to   planning framework
             be evaluated include but are not limited to necessary
             equipment such as panic buttons, additional cameras, staff
             training and established processes and procedures for
             effective emergency and safety planning.

             In the 4th Quarter, Downtown Services and Branch
             Services finalized emergency response plan drafts,
             incorporating the shared SWOT analysis results from the
             nine meetings. Library managers met with Risk
             Management and Arlington Police staff to complete a
             walk-through and give feedback to finalize an updated
             emergency plan. Branch and Downtown Services teams
             completed a fiscal year plan and developed a framework
             for conducting staff training through the emergency plans.
             Notably, the Library has committed to an ongoing process
             of improvement and adaptability, with annual staff training
             and a review of emergency plans for modifications to be
             conducted annually or as needed. This emphasis on regular
             review and modification ensures that the plans remain
             effective and up-to-date.

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