Page 512 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                                     Public Safety

                 Goal 1: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry Best Practices and Policies to Foster a Safe
                                              Objective 2: Protect Public Well-being
                          Project                  Performance Measure(s)                 Department(s)
             Core  Arlington Fire Department   • Overall satisfaction of project  Fire
             PS    Fire Station Location Study   management
             The placement of fire stations has a dramatic impact on                            Completion
             the effectiveness and efficiency of services provided by any   Inventory Existing Fire   Complete
             fire department. Station location analysis begins with an   Stations
             evaluation of the distribution of apparatus and personnel   Determine Service Areas and   Complete
             throughout a department’s service area relative to     Response Modeling
             demand for the department’s services and the ability to   Identify Properties that can   Complete
             meet. We will use geospatial and statistical analysis   be purchased or used for
             modeling, input from stakeholders, and continual research   future fire stations
             into where we are not meeting standards for NFPA 1710.   Develop application to   Complete
                                                                    identify response times in fire
             Update:                                                Integrate data to application   Complete
             8-minute travel times (and rush-hour times) have been  to show real time data
             added to our shared map. Helen is currently looking into  Completion of application to   Complete
             creating a dropdown list where you can toggle the      be used by Fire Chief
             individual stations on and off rather than having them all
                                                                    Compare against different   20%
             display at the same time due to major overlap on       data resources and
             boundaries.                                            applications

             Hazmat information has been added to the map. This is
             still a work in progress but there is quite a bit of
             information there already. What we have done is identify
             the location, list the hazardous materials on-site, and
             provided a link to the PDF documents provided by Chief

             We received the ESO information and are sorting through
             the data from that, as well as the CAD data, and will work
             on getting it added. Completion of inputting data into
             application. We are now able to view fire districts and
             response times. With this information we can now isolate
             areas in COA that do not meet the standards of NFPA
             1710. Once DECCAN application is complete, we will
             compare data resources for best locations for future fire

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