Page 416 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 416



                           Funding   Total Prior
             Project number                      FY 2022   FY 2023  FY 2024   FY 2025   FY 2026   Beyond     Total
                           Source     Funding
            and Drainage
            Improvements at  Funding is requested for the engineering design and construction of drainage improvements near the intersection of North
            North Peytonville Peytonville Avenue and Raven Bend Court. Significant runoff across this intersection creates a safety hazard during high-
            Avenue near the  intensity rain events. Project also includes installation of 12-inch waterline.
            intersection with
            Raven Bend
            2022-27c                         $0   $200,000       $0       $0        $0        $0        $0    $200,000
                          Impact Fee
            2022-27c      Water Utility   $500,000  $50,000      $0       $0        $0        $0        $0    $550,000
                          Total         $500,000  $250,000       $0       $0        $0        $0        $0    $750,000

            12-inch Water
            line along East
            Highland Street
            from North
            Carroll Avenue
            to North Kimball
            Avenue        Funding is planned for right of way, engineering design and construction of a 12-inch water line along East Highland Street from
                          North Carroll Avenue to North Kimball Avenue to replace existing 6-inch water line segments. Upsizing this line will improve
            [Previously   service to the local residents. This project has been identified as a project in the Southlake 2030 Water Master Plan.
            named “Upsize
            existing 6-inch
            to 12-inch Water
            line along East
            Highland from
            Blythe Lane to N.
            Kimball Avenue”]
            2022-28c      Utility Fund       $0        $0  $1,550,000     $0        $0        $0        $0   $1,550,000
            2022-28c                         $0        $0   $552,000      $0        $0        $0        $0    $552,000
                          Impact Fee
                          Total              $0        $0  $2,102,000     $0        $0        $0        $0   $2,102,000

            Water System
            Improvements   Funding is requested for the engineering design and construction of a 5.0 million gallon ground storage tank and pump at T.W.
            -- 5.0 MG Ground King Pump Station #2. The completion of this project will increase water flow and pressure to the north and east portions of the
            Storage Tank   City. Inflationary and Consumer Price Index increases have been added to the funding request to account for cost growth since
            #2 at T.W. King   the 2012 Water System Analysis cost estimate.
            Pump Station #2
            2022-29c      Impact Fee         $0   $300,000       $0       $0        $0        $0        $0    $300,000
            2022-29c      Water Utility   $150,000     $0    $25,000  $200,000      $0        $0        $0    $375,000
            2022-29c      Utility Fund       $0        $0  $1,200,000 $1,500,000    $0        $0        $0   $2,700,000
                          Total         $150,000  $300,000  $1,225,000 $1,700,000   $0        $0        $0   $3,375,000

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