Page 207 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 207

                                     FIrE DEPArTMEnT

                                           Department Goals

                                                SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

           Provide a   Maintain and   Expand the   Implement   Increase fire   Update/  Improve   Expand   Continue
          multi-skilled  elevate a fire   proficiency   Emergency   response   elevate the   Southlake’s   public   to promote
         EMS program   prevention   and     Management    capabilities   Emergency   preparedness   education   National
          that meets   and safety   effectiveness   Accreditation   by utilizing   Operations   to mitigate    programs   Preparedness
                                   of fire
                                                                      Plan into
           the needs   education   personnel on   Program (EMAP)   advancements  Emergency   emergencies   and fire   initiatives
                                             principles in
                                                                                with an all
                                                                                                       to create
            of our    directed at   emergency   the emergency   i.e. CAD,   Support   hazards  initiatives  a resilient
          citizens and   high-risk   scenes  management   dashboards  Function  approach               community
          community   populations             program      and RMS
                                                MANAGE THE BUSINESS
                Evaluate and elevate scorecard         Ensure that the           Maintain and enhance our current
               measures to ensure efficient and      programs offered by            accreditations though best
              effective emergency services delivery  the Fire Department         practices and the use of technology
                                                       are meeting or
                                                     exceeding customer

                                          PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

                            Ensure sustainable,                                    Develop
                            cost effective, high                                  and nurture
                              quality service                                    partnerships to
                                delivery                                        improve services
                                                                                and reduce costs

                                           PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

                 Increase frontline              Increase the training capabilities         Enhance Fire
                    leadership                   of the Fire Department through             Department
                  capacity of the                innovative strategies i.e. public          culture and
                 Fire Department                     safety training tower                 foster employee

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