Page 187 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 187

                                     ECONOMIC DEvELOPMENT & TOURISM

                                           Department Goals

                                                SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS

             Attract desired      Enhance the quality of life for   Foster meaningful        Achieve economic
           businesses to ensure   residents and the sustainability   relationships           prosperity through
            economic growth       of City business through the      between the             tax and employment
           as well as continued    promotion of the tourism,
         employment and services   convention and hotel industry   public and private      base growth, attracting
          for residents of the City                                   sectors               investment of private
                                         in the City                                       capital into our economy
                                                                                           that grows jobs, creates
                                                                                          opportunity, increases tax

                                                MANAGE THE BUSINESS

          Foster an environment     Promote the City both           Improve local           Elevate the Southlake
         that retains and supports   nationally and regionally as a   economic health         brand and value
           existing businesses to   great place to live, work, visit,   of the community       proposition
          ensure the sustainability   shop and recreate
          of our existing tax base

                                          PROVIDE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP

            Ensure sustainable,   Support investment in our   Monitor and validate   Review programs   Develop
            high quality service   community that meets   compliance of project   annually to determine   and nurture
                                                       ROI according to
                delivery       the goals outlined in the   incentive agreement   alignment with   partnerships to
                              Southlake 2035 Economic   requirements     “customer pull” related   improve services
                              Development Master Plan                    to business community,   and reduce costs
                                                                           resident and broker

                                           PROMOTE LEARNING & GROWTH

                            Improve employee                                      Collaborate with and
                              engagement                                          cross train employees
                                                                                     for maximum

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