Page 308 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 308
Municipal Facility Capital Projects
Carpet Replacement at the Public Library
352-(&7 '(6&5,37,21 -867,),&$7,21
This project consists of replacement of the carpet at the Public Library.
The carpet at the Public Library is original to construction and is nearing its life expectancy. The Library has on average
250,000 visitors each year. The project would require the stacks to be moved, removal of the old carpet, and replacement with
new carpet in the public and staff areas.
Funding Source: $320,000 from Certificates of Obligation and $1,000 from Facility Service Fund (505).
352-(&7 67$786 25,*,1$/ 25,*,1$/
67$57 '$7( 5(9,6,21 (1' '$7( 5(9,6,21
Professional Services
Land/ROW Acquisition
Construction 10/2019 10/2019 09/2020 12/2020
5(9,6,21 (;3/$1$7,21
There was a savings in FC1902 Permanent Records Roof Replacement. We would like to transfer those savings to FC2001
Carpet Replacement at the Public Library. The Friends of the Library will be donating $6,000 towards this project. These
funds will be used to pay for the professional service expenses and provide a small contingency in the project.
),1$1&,$/ '$7$
$'237(' 5(9,6(' 727$/
%8'*(7 7+58 352-(&7 %8'*(7 7+58 5(0$,1,1* 352-(&7
5(9,6,21 %$/$1&( &267
)81',1* 6285&(6
Certificates of Obligation $320,000 $320,000 $320,000
Reserves 1,000 1,000 $1,000
FC1902 Perm Records Roof savings 24,000 24,000 $24,000
Friends of the Library 6,000 6,000 $6,000
0 $0
7RWDO $321,000 $30,000 $351,000 $0 $351,000
352-(&7 (;3(1',785(6
$0 $0
Professional Services
Engineering/Design 0 $0
Land/ROW Acquistion 0 $0
Construction 321,000 30,000 351,000 $351,000
Other 0 $0
7RWDO $321,000 $30,000 $351,000 $0 $351,000
,03$&7 21 23(5$7,1* %8'*(7
No operating impact expected.
$118$/ 23(5$7,1* ,03$&7 727$/
Projected $0