Page 305 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 305


                                                  Aquatic Park Capital Projects
                                            General Facility Improvements (2020)

           352-(&7 '(6&5,37,21   -867,),&$7,21
            This project consists of costs for annual general facility improvements such as drainage improvements, miscellaneous building
            improvements, capital acquisitions and any safety improvements or emergency repairs for the facility that are identified during
            the operating season.  Projects in the past have included ADA updates, replacement motors, drainage improvements, concrete
            repair and patching and resurfacing of numerous park attractions.

           352-(&7 67$786                         25,*,1$/                                25,*,1$/
                                                 67$57 '$7(    5(9,6,21                   (1' '$7(     5(9,6,21
           Professional Services
           Land/ROW Acquisition
           Construction                           10/2019                                 09/2020

           5(9,6,21 (;3/$1$7,21
            Project completed.

           ),1$1&,$/ '$7$
                                                  $'237('                    5(9,6('                    727$/
                                                %8'*(7 7+58    352-(&7     %8'*(7 7+58   5(0$,1,1*     352-(&7
                                                               5(9,6,21                   %$/$1&(        &267
           )81',1* 6285&(6
            NRH20 Fund Reserves                     $100,000     ($15,041)      $84,959                   $84,959
                                                                                     0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
           7RWDO                                    $100,000     ($15,041)      $84,959          $0       $84,959
           352-(&7 (;3(1',785(6
                                                                                    $0                         $0
             Professional Services
             Engineering/Design                                                      0                         $0
             Land/ROW Acquistion                                                     0                         $0
             Construction                            100,000      (15,041)       84,959                   $84,959
             Other                                                                   0                         $0
           7RWDO                                    $100,000     ($15,041)      $84,959          $0       $84,959

           ,03$&7 21 23(5$7,1* %8'*(7

           $118$/ 23(5$7,1* ,03$&7                                                                      727$/
           Projected                                                                                           $0


                                                                                                     NRH  | TEXAS
   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310