Page 303 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 303
Utility Capital Projects
Walker Branch Interceptor Project
352-(&7 '(6&5,37,21 -867,),&$7,21
The Walker Branch Interceptor Project will consist of sanitary sewer improvements. Section one of the project will consist of
increasing the sizes of the lines from 6-inch, 8-inch, and 10-inch to 8-inch, 12-inch and a 15-inch respectively from Smithfield
Road along Main Street to the Walker Creek and Mid-Cities Boulevard confluence. The total length of sewer line for this section
is approximately 5,500 feet. Section two consists of replacing an 18 inch and 21 inch line with a 27 inch sewer line. The
approximate length of this section of the project is 4,100 feet.
Funding sources are Utility Reserves ($216,515), Other shown is Impact Fees ($2,400,00) and Certificates of Obligation
($2,200,000). FY 17-18 Revised Funding is $600,000 from Impact Fees (406) and Certificates of Obligation ($600,000).
352-(&7 67$786 25,*,1$/ 25,*,1$/
67$57 '$7( 5(9,6,21 (1' '$7( 5(9,6,21
Professional Services
Engineering 07/2016 01/2019
Land/ROW Acquisition
Construction 06/2019 03/2020
5(9,6,21 (;3/$1$7,21
Project savings due to better than expected construction prices when this project was awarded. Project savings are proposed
be used for the Conn Pump Station project.
),1$1&,$/ '$7$
$'237(' 5(9,6(' 727$/
%8'*(7 7+58 352-(&7 %8'*(7 7+58 5(0$,1,1* 352-(&7
5(9,6,21 %$/$1&( &267
)81',1* 6285&(6
Certificates of Obligation $2,800,000 ($883,475) $1,916,525 $1,916,525
Impact Fees 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 $3,000,000
Reserves 216,525 (216,525) 0 $0
0 $0
0 $0
7RWDO $6,016,525 ($1,100,000) $4,916,525 $0 $4,916,525
352-(&7 (;3(1',785(6
$0 $0
Professional Services
Engineering/Design 416,525 416,525 $416,525
Land/ROW Acquistion 0 0 $0
Construction 5,600,000 (1,100,000) 4,500,000 $4,500,000
Other 0 $0
7RWDO $6,016,525 ($1,100,000) $4,916,525 $0 $4,916,525
,03$&7 21 23(5$7,1* %8'*(7
$118$/ 23(5$7,1* ,03$&7 727$/
Projected $0