Page 313 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 313


                                      Major Capital Equipment Capital Projects
                                   Fire Station Technology Replacements and Upgrades

           352-(&7 '(6&5,37,21   -867,),&$7,21
            This project is to repair and upgrade the alerting system for all fire stations and to provide the back-up dispatch center with the
            ability to activate the replaced and upgraded alert system.

            Following an assessment of the Fire Station Alerting Systems at the five North Richland Hills Fire Stations, the City has
            received a proposal to repair all station alerting systems to provide quality communications as well as uniform operation
            amongst the locations. If approved, work will begin in July 2021. Over time, different vendors have worked on patching the
            systems with various manufactured parts. These proposed repairs will assist in restoring all of the fire station alerting systems
            back to standard and uniform operating condition to support optimal functionality. This purchase will assure all Station Alerting
            is working efficiently and effectively when dispatched for calls, with items such as new speakers and station light timers as well
            as repairing connectivity inconsistencies. All repairs will assist in providing better quality of communications and response
           352-(&7 67$786                         25,*,1$/                                25,*,1$/
                                                 67$57 '$7(    5(9,6,21                   (1' '$7(     5(9,6,21
           Professional Services
           Land/ROW Acquisition
           Other                                                08/2021                                 02/2022

           5(9,6,21 (;3/$1$7,21
            As presented to the City Council at the Friday July 23, 2021 Budget Retreat this project is proposed to be funded from the
            American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.

           ),1$1&,$/ '$7$
                                                  $'237('                    5(9,6('                    727$/
                                                %8'*(7 7+58    352-(&7     %8'*(7 7+58   5(0$,1,1*     352-(&7
                                                               5(9,6,21                   %$/$1&(        &267
           )81',1* 6285&(6
            ARPA                                                 $150,000      $150,000                  $150,000
                                                                                     0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
           7RWDO                                          $0     $150,000      $150,000          $0      $150,000
           352-(&7 (;3(1',785(6
                                                                                    $0                         $0
             Professional Services
             Engineering/Design                                                      0                         $0
             Land/ROW Acquistion                                                     0                         $0
             Construction                                                            0                         $0
             Other                                                150,000       150,000                  $150,000
           7RWDO                                          $0     $150,000      $150,000          $0      $150,000

           ,03$&7 21 23(5$7,1* %8'*(7
            None anticipated.

           $118$/ 23(5$7,1* ,03$&7                                                                      727$/
           Projected                                                                                           $0


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