Page 311 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 311


                                      Major Capital Equipment Capital Projects
                                Purchase of 7-Bin Automated Sorting System for the Library

           352-(&7 '(6&5,37,21   -867,),&$7,21
            The Library is requesting a 7-bin Automated Sorting System.

           352-(&7 67$786                         25,*,1$/                                25,*,1$/
                                                 67$57 '$7(    5(9,6,21                   (1' '$7(     5(9,6,21
           Professional Services
           Land/ROW Acquisition

           5(9,6,21 (;3/$1$7,21
            This project was initially anticipated to be funded through the CARES Act, but due to changes in the guidelines provided by
            the Office of Inspector General and Treasury Department staff is requesting to change the funding source to General Capital
            Fund Reserves.  In addition, additional sorting bins were procured for the new system.

           ),1$1&,$/ '$7$
                                                  $'237('                    5(9,6('                    727$/
                                                %8'*(7 7+58    352-(&7     %8'*(7 7+58   5(0$,1,1*     352-(&7
                                                               5(9,6,21                   %$/$1&(        &267
           )81',1* 6285&(6
            General Capital Fund Reserves                         $77,800       $77,800                   $77,800
            CARES Act Grant                           68,400      (68,400)           0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
                                                                                     0                         $0
           7RWDO                                     $68,400       $9,400       $77,800          $0       $77,800
           352-(&7 (;3(1',785(6
                                                                                    $0                         $0
             Professional Services
             Engineering/Design                                                      0                         $0
             Land/ROW Acquistion                                                     0                         $0
             Construction                             68,400        9,400        77,800                   $77,800
             Other                                                                   0                         $0
           7RWDO                                     $68,400       $9,400       $77,800          $0       $77,800

           ,03$&7 21 23(5$7,1* %8'*(7

           $118$/ 23(5$7,1* ,03$&7                                                                      727$/
           Projected                                                                                           $0


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