Page 187 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 187
risk / purchasing
Mission Statement
o provide support for all City services through the administration of pur-
T chasing procedures, and to minimize the City’s exposure to financial loss
through the development and administration of risk management.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h Earned the Achievement of Excellence in Introduce new Purchasing Manual before
Procurement Award. day one of the Fiscal Year 2022 to be effec-
h Maintained high level of service despite a tive day one of the Fiscal Year.
50% reduction in staffing. Create and share with p-card users’ direc-
h Increased the number of inter-local agree- tions on how to upload receipts to SDOL in
ments available to the City of Hurst. preparation for making this practice manda-
h Established reporting procedure to ensure tory.
HB 3693 compliance. Finalize easy-to-follow step-by-step pro-
h Introduced Public Purchase to user depart- cedures manual for Purchasing staff and
ments interested in utilizing online procure- end-user training.
ment technology for obtaining quotes. Look for opportunities to develop efficien-
h Introduced virtual attendance options for cies and work to implement efficiencies
Public Bid openings. where appropriate.