Page 191 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 191
Mission Statement
e are committed to providing excellent customer service while bal-
W ancing all aspects of the Hurst way. We will strive to preserve trust
and deliver quality services through maintaining our billing operations in an
efficient, accurate, and customer-oriented manner.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h Restructuring of Utility Billing organizational Communicate necessary information about
hierarchy changes made to affected customers
h Hiring of new Utility Billing Manager Continue to evaluate internal processes and
h Performed in-depth job shadowing of each procedures to identify areas for improve-
position in Utility Billing to include meter ment
reader processes and procedures Identify meters that are due for replacing
h Developed recommendations for improve- and replace if funds, materials and staff are
ments/changes based upon the outcome of available
the job shadowing Have utility billing staff take a refresher
h Set renewed expectations of Utility Billing course on providing excellent customer
staff for providing a high level of customer service
service and productivity Continue to foster a positive working envi-
ronment in UB Office