Page 190 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 190



          The Utility Billing Division is responsible for maintaining the City’s Billing System for water, wastewater, sanita-
          tion, and recycling services.  Responsibilities include establishing new accounts, processing bills and payments
          from customers, providing exceptional customer assistance and information regarding utility accounts, and
          performing the meter reading and meter services functions.  In addition to the accounts receivable function
          for water and wastewater services, the division is also responsible for receipting and depositing monies col-
          lected by other departments on a daily basis.


                                         BUDGET SUMMARY – ENTERPRISE FUND

                                              ACTUAL        ACTUAL       BUDGET      ESTIMATED      ADOPTED
             CATEGORY                          FY 2019      FY 2020      FY 2021       FY 2021       FY 2022

              PERSONNEL SERVICES               567,970      562,199      556,452       476,197       525,080
              MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES            44,382       42,726        44,793       35,389        30,363

              MAINTENANCE                      39,906       100,390       78,000       69,060        88,150
              SUNDRY CHARGES                   359,822      289,370      286,604       318,304       297,928

              INTERNAL SERVICES                63,894       63,894        63,894       63,894        65,825
              CAPITAL OUTLAY                   24,942       24,790          0             0             0

              TOTAL                          $1,100,916   $1,083,370    $1,029,743    $962,844     $1,007,346

                                                  PERSONNEL SCHEDULE

                                                              ACTUAL       ACTUAL       ACTUAL      APPROVED
             POSITION TITLE                     PAY GRADE     FY 2019       FY 2020     FY 2021      FY 2022
              UTILITY BILLING MANAGER             Exempt         1            1            1            1

              CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR           59           1            1            1            0
              UTILITY BILLING TECHNICIAN            56           1            1            1            1

              CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE       54           2            2            2            2
              METER READER SUPERVISOR               53           0            1            1            1

              LEAD METER READER                     53           1            1            1            1

              METER READER                          52           3            2            2            2
             TOTAL                                               9            9            9            8

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